Juan Pablo Marturano was born in Buenos Aires in 1975. In 1999 he received a sculpture-teaching diploma at Prilidiano Pueyrredón Fine Arts National School (IUNA – National University of Arts).
The next year he moved to Italy and enrolled at the Fine Art Academy of Carrara, where he specialized in stone carving and marble sculpture. He worked in several workshops and in 2003 received a grant from the Italian Government. In 2005 he graduated at the Academy obtaining the highest grade point average possible (Graduation thesis: “The Carrara Marble and the sculptures of Buenos Aires City” - original version in Italian Language)
Then, he gained the Japanese Government Research Scholarship (MEXT) in order to focus on granite and hard stones carving technics. In 2010 he completed a M.F.A. at Kanazawa College of Art, where he studied with famous artists Morio Shinoda and Kishio Suga, among others.
While being immersed in the Japanese Culture, he started combining art with his other passion: mountaineering. In 2013 he presented a series of works related to Mount Fuji (Japan) and Mount Aconcagua (Argentinian Andes). Due to these works and the thesis “Mountains in Arts; representation of mountains and stone sculpture as an offering” he obtained his Ph.D. degree at Tama Art University in Tokyo (both written dissertation and oral defense in Japanese Language)
He has exhibited his work both individually and collectively, and has taken part in numerous exhibitions, contest and sculpture symposiums in Argentina, Italy, France, Germany, Israel/Palestine, Japan and United States. His artwork is held in private and public collections in several countries.